Dugo Selo - Croatia (learners' mobility)
17. -21. April 2023

Time & Location
17. -21. April 2023
Dugo Selo - Croatia
About the event
This activity was conducted at Dugo Selo (Croatia) school premises and with collaboration of various Associated partners. It was organized on 17-21.04.2023.
This activity served to accomplish several goals including:
• Learning about todays’ energy resources and how do they impact our lives today and in the future
• Introducing alternative energy resources and how do they function
• Learning how and why to implement alternative energy resources
• Understanding concepts as sustainable future, hydro-, wind- and solar power in terms of energy supply
• Show the concepts that the students could do in the scope of their respective lifestyles to ensure some part of a sustainable future (e.g. recycling)
In total there were 38 learners: 18 girls and 20 boys, creating gender balance. We had several students with disadvantaged backgrounds. All of them were accompanied by 10 teachers / club leaders.
Day 1: 17th April
First day was dedicated for getting to know Dugo Selo school, school clubs, other groups and overall each other.
There were already organised 3 group workshops where students were touching topics of green energy and sustainability.
Day 2: 18th April
On the second programme day the whole group was visiting KONČAR – Energy factory. Participants have learned a lot about energy and its sustainable sources.
Learners took part in active workshops on sustainability.
In the later afternoon everyone took part in Zagreb walking tour – Time travel with technology. It was different than usual tour around the cities. We learned a lot.
Day 3: 19th April
This day participants had a tour around Hydro power plant Rijeka. There was very active learning about hydro energy.
Later whole group had a walking tour of Opatija. After getting to know the town all learners visited an Electrical-industrial and craft school Rijeka where they had another interactive workshops in mixed groups.
Day 4: 20th April
The while group visited the University Center Varazdinwhere they had seminar and discussion on clean and green future topics. Afterwards, there were organized mixed group workshops on the same topics.
Later in the afternoon, students had a tour around the town Varazdin.
Day 5: 21st April
On the last day of the programme Dugo Selo school has invited again the whole group and organised various activities on renewable energy topic. The main part included group workshops in cooperation with Belmet97.
Also all participants had reflected on the whole week programme, so far impact on their knowledge and skills development. Conclusions of the week were shared and all participants took part in the certification ceremony.