Project meeting in Czech Republic
07. - 08. November 2023

Time & Location
07. - 08. November 2023
Pardubice, Pardubice, Czechia
About the event
The last Transnational Project Meeting (TPM6) was held by SPSCH Pardubice in Pardubice, Czech Republic.
Regular online meetings were organised prior to this meeting in order to cover main running matters and in order to prepare for this meeting.
As it was the final face-to-face meeting partners focused on several topics of the project:
· Finalisation of the project outputs (IO1 – STEMclubs platform, running STEM clubs; IO2 – e-learning content creation)
· Reflection and plan of multiplier events were done
· Other dissemination activities were discussed and agreed
· Quality assurance of project outcomes were reviewed
· Sustainability of the project activities and outputs were discussed, as follow up new project application ideas were discussed
· Preparation for the final report was discussed and agreed
· Project managers also had a chance to network and strengthen their cooperation among each other
In addition to the above mentioned activities, participants had a tour around SPSCH Pardubice school, were introduced to the STEM clubs and took part in chemistry show.